Source code for sheraf.attributes.index

import warnings

from BTrees.OOBTree import OOBTree

[docs]class Index: """ Indexes should be either created as :class:`~sheraf.models.indexation.IndexedModel` class parameters, or with the attributes :func:`~sheraf.attributes.Attribute.index` method. :param attributes: The attributes being indexed. They can be either :class:`~sheraf.attributes.Attribute` or strings representing the attributes names in the model. :type *attributes: A collection of :class:`~sheraf.attributes.Attribute` or strings. :param key: The key the index will use. By default, it takes the name it has as a :class:`~sheraf.models.indexation.IndexedModel` attribute. If the :func:`~sheraf.attributes.Attribute.index` is used, the key is the :class:`~sheraf.attributes.Attribute` name. :param unique: If the index is unique, and two models have the same value for this model, a :class:`~sheraf.exceptions.UniqueIndexException` is raised when trying to write the second one. Automatically set to :class:`True` if primary is :class:`True`. :type unique: bool :param index_keys_func: A callable that takes the current attribute value and returns a single key, or a collection of keys, where the model instance will be indexed. The keys will be regenerated each time this attribute will be edited, and the index will be updated accordingly. It may take time if the generated collection is large. By default the attribute :meth:`~sheraf.attributes.Attribute.index_keys` method is applied. :param search_keys_func: A callable that takes some raw data and returns a collection of keys to search in the index. By default, the :meth:`~sheraf.attributes.Attribute.search_keys_func` method is used. :param mapping: The mapping object to be used to store the indexed values. By default the `index_mapping` class attribute is used. If you know that the keys of the index will always be a specific type, like integers, you might way to use this attribute to use specialized datastructures. :param nullok: If `True`, `None` or empty values can be indexed. `True` by default. :param noneok: Ignored in if `nullok` is `True`. Else, if `noneok` is `True`, `None` values can be indexed. `False` by default." :param auto: Defaults to `True`, enable the automatic index update. When set to `False` the index won't be updated when the attributes are updated. >>> class People(sheraf.Model): ... table = "index_people" ... ... # Simple indexing ... name = sheraf.SimpleAttribute() ... nameindex = sheraf.Index("name") ... ... # Indexing with the .index() shortcut ... size = sheraf.IntegerAttribute().index() ... ... # Emails can only be owned once ... email = sheraf.SimpleAttribute().index(unique=True) ... ... # Indexing people by their decade ... age = sheraf.SimpleAttribute().index(key="decade", index_keys_func=lambda age: {age // 10}) ... >>> with sheraf.connection(commit=True): ... m = People.create( ... name="George Abitbol", ... size=180, ... email="", ... age=55, ... ) ... >>> with sheraf.connection(): ... assert [m] == People.filter(nameindex="George Abitbol") ... assert [m] == People.filter(size=180) ... assert [m] == People.filter(decade=5) ... >>> with sheraf.connection(): ... People.create(name="Peter", size=175, email="", age=35) Traceback (most recent call last): ... UniqueIndexException """ default_mapping = OOBTree def __init__( self, *attributes, unique=False, key=None, index_keys_func=None, search_keys_func=None, values=None, search=None, mapping=None, primary=False, nullok=None, noneok=None, auto=True, ): if values and not index_keys_func: warnings.warn( "Index 'values' parameter is deprecated and will be removed in sheraf 0.6. " "Please use 'index_keys_func' instead.", DeprecationWarning, stacklevel=2, ) index_keys_func = values if search and not search_keys_func: warnings.warn( "Index 'search' parameter is deprecated and will be removed in sheraf 0.6. " "Please use 'search_keys_func' instead.", DeprecationWarning, stacklevel=2, ) search_keys_func = search self.attributes = attributes self.unique = unique or primary self.key = key self.default_index_keys_func = index_keys_func self._search_keys_func = search_keys_func or index_keys_func self.index_keys_funcs = {} self.mapping = mapping or self.default_mapping self.primary = primary self.nullok = nullok self.noneok = noneok = auto def __repr__(self): if self.primary: return f"<Index key={self.key} unique={self.unique} primary>" return f"<Index key={self.key} unique={self.unique}>"
[docs] def index_keys_func(self, *args, **kwargs): """ This decorator sets a index_keys method, for one, several or all of the index attributes. - If no positionnal argument is passed, then this sets a default index_keys function for the index. - You can pass one or several attributes or attributes names to set a specific index_keys method for those attributes. - If you do set a specific index_keys method for one or several attributes, the decorated function will be given the attribute index_keys as positionnal arguments, in the order they were passed to the decorator. The decorated function must return a single key, or a collection of keys, where the index will store the current model instance. Depending on the `noneok` and `nullok` :class:`~sheraf.attributes.index.Index` parameters, `None` and falsy index keys might be ignored. >>> class Cowboy(sheraf.Model): ... table = "any_values_table" ... first_name = sheraf.StringAttribute() ... last_name = sheraf.StringAttribute() ... surname = sheraf.StringAttribute() ... name_parts = sheraf.Index(first_name, last_name, surname) ... ... @name_parts.index_keys_func ... def default_name_indexation(self, values): ... return values.lower() ... ... @name_parts.index_keys_func(first_name, "last_name") ... def full_name(self, first, last): ... return f"{first} {last}".lower() ... >>> with sheraf.connection(): ... m = Cowboy.create(first_name="George", last_name="Abitbol", surname="Georgy") ... assert m in"george abitbol") ... assert m in"georgy") .. note :: You can use :meth:`~sheraf.models.indexation.BaseIndexedModel.index_keys` to check the index keys your custom function generates. """ # Guess if the decorator has been called with or without parenthesis if args and (len(args) > 1 or not callable(args[0])): attributes = args args = [] else: attributes = [] def wrapper(func): # If no attribute is passed as a positionnal argument, # the method will be the default values method if not attributes: self.default_index_keys_func = func if self._search_keys_func is None: self._search_keys_func = func # Else the method will be assigned to each attribute self.index_keys_funcs.setdefault(func, []).append(attributes) return func return wrapper if not args else wrapper(args[0])
def values(self, *args, **kwargs): warnings.warn( "Index 'values' method is deprecated and will be removed in sheraf 0.6. " "Please use 'index_keys_func' instead.", DeprecationWarning, stacklevel=2, ) return self.index_keys_func(*args, **kwargs)
[docs] def search_keys_func(self, *args, **kwargs): """ This decorator sets the search_keys method for the index. It should return a single key to search in the index, or a collection of keys to search in the index. If it returns an indexed collection, by default the model instances will be returned in the order the index keys will be iterated. >>> class Model(sheraf.Model): ... table = "any_search_table" ... foo = sheraf.StringAttribute() ... bar = sheraf.StringAttribute() ... theindex = sheraf.Index(foo, bar) ... ... @theindex.search_keys_func ... def the_search_method(self, values): ... return values.lower() ... >>> with sheraf.connection(): ... m = Model.create(foo="foo", bar="bar") ... assert m in"foo") ... assert m in"BAR") .. note :: You can use :meth:`~sheraf.models.indexation.BaseIndexedModel.search_keys` to check the index keys your custom function generates. """ def wrapper(func): self._search_keys_func = func return func return wrapper if not args else wrapper(args[0])
def search(self, *args, **kwargs): warnings.warn( "Index 'search' method is deprecated and will be removed in sheraf 0.6. " "Please use 'search_keys_func' instead.", DeprecationWarning, stacklevel=2, ) return self.search_keys_func(*args, **kwargs) def get_model_index_keys(self, model): return { v for func, attr_groups in self.index_keys_funcs.items() for attributes in attr_groups for v in self.get_index_keys(model, attributes, func) } def get_index_keys(self, model, attributes, func): values = self.call_index_keys_func(model, attributes, func) if not self.nullok: # Empty values are not indexed return {v for v in values if v} elif not self.noneok: # None values are not indexed return {v for v in values if v is not None} else: # Everything is indexed return values def call_index_keys_func(self, model, attributes, func): if not all(attribute.is_created(model) for attribute in attributes): return {} values = [ for attribute in attributes] if not func: return set(values) try: values = func(*values) except TypeError as exc: if "positional argument" not in str(exc): raise values = func(model, *values) values = values if isinstance(values, (list, set, tuple, dict)) else {values} return values def call_search_func(self, model, value): if not self._search_keys_func: return {value} try: values = self._search_keys_func(value) except TypeError as exc: if "positional argument" not in str(exc): raise values = self._search_keys_func(model, value) values = values if isinstance(values, (list, set, tuple, dict)) else {values} return values