Source code for sheraf.attributes.collections

"""Collection attributes are attributes that behave like native python
collections such as :class:`dict`, :class:`list` or :class:`set`. They usually
combine different objects:

- A ``persistent_type`` that is the persistent data structure that will store
  the data. For instance
  :class:`~sheraf.attributes.collections.ListAttribute` usually uses
  :class:`sheraf.types.SmallList` or :class:`~sheraf.types.largelist.LargeList`.

- An ``accessor_type`` that helps handling the ``persistent_type`` with an
  interface similar to the native type it refers. For instance
  :class:`~sheraf.attributes.collections.ListAttribute` uses
  :class:`~sheraf.attributes.collections.ListAccessor` that behaves like the
  python :class:`list`.

- An optional ``attribute`` that helps the ``accessor_type`` serialize and
  deserialize the data stored in the ``persistent_type``. This allows pairing
  collections with other kinds of attributes. For example you can easilly
  handle :class:`~sheraf.attribute.blobs.Blob` lists or dictionaries of

>>> class Horse(sheraf.InlineModel):
...     table = "horse"
...     name = sheraf.SimpleAttribute()
>>> class Cowboy(sheraf.Model):
...     table = "cowboy"
...     name = sheraf.SimpleAttribute()
...     favorite_numbers = sheraf.SmallListAttribute(
...         sheraf.IntegerAttribute(),
...     )
...     horses = sheraf.LargeDictAttribute(
...         sheraf.InlineModelAttribute(Horse),
...     )
>>> with sheraf.connection(commit=True):
...     george = Cowboy.create(
...         name="George Abitbol",
...         favorite_numbers=[1, 13, 21, 34],
...         horses = {
...             "first": {"name": "Jolly Jumper"},
...             "second": {"name": "Polly Pumper"},
...         },
...     )
...     assert 21 in george.favorite_numbers
...     assert "Jolly Jumper" == george.horses["first"].name

You can also nest collections as you like, and play for instance with
:class:`~sheraf.attributes.collections.DictAttribute` or

>>> class Cowboy(sheraf.Model):
...     table = "cowboy"
...     name = sheraf.SimpleAttribute()
...     dice_results = sheraf.LargeDictAttribute(
...         sheraf.SmallListAttribute(
...             sheraf.IntegerAttribute()
...         )
...     )
>>> with sheraf.connection(commit=True):
...     george = Cowboy.create(
...         name="George Abitbol",
...         dice_results={
...             "monday": [2, 6, 4],
...             "tuesday": [1, 1, 3],
...         }
...     )
...     assert 6 == george.dice_results["monday"][1]
import sheraf

from ..types import LargeDict
from ..types import LargeList
from ..types import Set
from ..types import SmallDict
from ..types import SmallList
from .simples import TypedAttribute

class ListAttributeAccessor:
    def __init__(self, attribute, persistent, persistent_type):
        self._attribute = attribute
        self.mapping = (
            if isinstance(persistent, persistent_type)
            else persistent_type([persistent])

    def __repr__(self):
        return str(list(self))

    def __iter__(self):
        return (self._attribute.deserialize(item) for item in self.mapping)

    def __len__(self):
        return len(self.mapping)

    def __bool__(self):
        return bool(self.mapping)

    def __delitem__(self, index):
        del self.mapping[index]

    def __setitem__(self, key, value):
        if key >= len(self.mapping) or key < 0:
            raise IndexError("list index out of range")

        self.mapping[key] = self._attribute.serialize(value)

    def __getitem__(self, key):
        if not isinstance(key, slice):
            return self._attribute.deserialize(self.mapping[key])

        return (
            self._attribute.deserialize(item) for item in self.mapping.__getitem__(key)

    def __eq__(self, other):
        return list(self) == other

    def __add__(self, other):
        return list(self) + other

    def append(self, item):

    def clear(self):

    def extend(self, iterable):
        self.mapping.extend(self._attribute.serialize(item) for item in iterable)

    def pop(self):
        return self._attribute.deserialize(self.mapping.pop())

    def remove(self, item):

[docs]class ListAttribute(sheraf.attributes.Attribute): """Attribute mimicking the behavior of :class:`list`. >>> class Cowboy(sheraf.Model): ... table = "cowboy" ... name = sheraf.SimpleAttribute() ... faxes = sheraf.LargeListAttribute( ... sheraf.BlobAttribute() ... ) ... >>> with sheraf.connection(): ... george = Cowboy.create( ... name="George Abitbol", ... faxes=[ ... sheraf.Blob.create(filename="peter1.txt", data=b"Can you give me my pin's back please?"), ... ], ... ) ... ... george.faxes.append(sheraf.Blob.create(filename="peter2.txt", data=b"Hey! Did you receive my last fax?")) ... assert "peter1.txt" == george.faxes[0].original_name ... assert b"fax" in george.faxes[1].data ... """ def __init__( self, attribute=None, persistent_type=None, accessor_type=ListAttributeAccessor, **kwargs ): self.attribute = attribute if persistent_type: self.persistent_type = persistent_type self.accessor_type = accessor_type kwargs.setdefault("default", self.persistent_type) kwargs["read_memoization"] = False kwargs["write_memoization"] = False super().__init__(**kwargs)
[docs] def index_keys(self, list_): """ By default, every items in a :class:`~sheraf.attributes.collections.ListAttribute` is indexed. >>> class Cowboy(sheraf.Model): ... table = "cowboy" ... favorite_colors = sheraf.LargeListAttribute( ... sheraf.StringAttribute() ... ).index() ... >>> with sheraf.connection(): ... george = Cowboy.create(favorite_colors=[ ... "red", "green", "blue", ... ]) ... assert george in"red") ... assert george in"blue") ... assert george not in"yellow") .. warning :: A current limitation is that indexed lists won't update their indexes if they are edited through their accessor. For the indexes to be updated, the whole list must be re-assigned. >>> with sheraf.connection(): # doctest: +SKIP ... george.favorite_colors.append("purple") ... george in"purple") False >>> with sheraf.connection(): # doctest: +SKIP ... george.favorite_colors = list(george.favorite_colors) + ["brown"] ... george in"brown") True """ if not self.attribute: return set(list_) return {y for v in list_ for y in self.attribute.index_keys(v)}
[docs] def search_keys(self, value): if not self.attribute: return {value} return {v for v in self.attribute.search_keys(value)}
def deserialize(self, value): if not self.attribute: return value return self.accessor_type( attribute=self.attribute, persistent=value, persistent_type=self.persistent_type, ) def serialize(self, value): if not self.attribute: return self.persistent_type(value or []) if value is None: return self.persistent_type() write = self.persistent_type() for v in value: write.append(self.attribute.serialize(v)) return write
[docs] def update( self, old_value, new_value, addition=True, edition=True, deletion=False, replacement=False, ): if addition and len(new_value) > len(old_value): for item in new_value[len(old_value) :]: if self.attribute: old_value.append(self.attribute.serialize(item)) else: old_value.append(item) if edition or replacement: for i, (_, item) in enumerate(zip(old_value, new_value)): if self.attribute: old_value[i] = self.attribute.update( old_value[i], item, addition, edition, deletion, replacement ) else: old_value[i] = item if deletion and len(old_value) > len(new_value): while len(old_value) > len(new_value): old_value.pop() return old_value
[docs]class SmallListAttribute(ListAttribute): """Shortcut for ``ListAttribute(persistent_type=SmallList)``.""" persistent_type = SmallList
[docs]class LargeListAttribute(ListAttribute): """Shortcut for ``ListAttribute(persistent_type=LargeList)``.""" persistent_type = LargeList
class DictAttributeAccessor: def __init__(self, attribute, persistent): self._attribute = attribute self.mapping = persistent def __repr__(self): return str(dict(self)) def __setitem__(self, key, value): self.mapping[key] = self._attribute.serialize(value) def __getitem__(self, key): return self._attribute.deserialize(self.mapping[key]) def __delitem__(self, key): del self.mapping[key] def __iter__(self): return (k for k in self.mapping.keys()) def __bool__(self): return bool(self.mapping) def __len__(self): return len(self.mapping) def __contains__(self, key): return key in self.mapping def clear(self): self.mapping.clear() def keys(self, *args, **kwargs): return self.mapping.keys(*args, **kwargs) def items(self, *args, **kwargs): if not hasattr(self.mapping, "iteritems"): return ( (k, self._attribute.deserialize(v)) for k, v in iter(self.mapping.items()) ) return ( (k, self._attribute.deserialize(v)) for k, v in self.mapping.iteritems(*args, **kwargs) ) def values(self, *args, **kwargs): if not hasattr(self.mapping, "iteritems"): return ( self._attribute.deserialize(v) for k, v in iter(self.mapping.items()) ) return ( self._attribute.deserialize(v) for k, v in self.mapping.iteritems(*args, **kwargs) ) def get(self, value, default=None): value = self.mapping.get(value) if value is None: return default return self._attribute.deserialize(value) def maxKey(self): try: return self.mapping.maxKey() except AttributeError: return max(self.mapping.keys()) def minKey(self): try: return self.mapping.minKey() except AttributeError: return min(self.mapping.keys()) def update(self, other): for k, v in other.items(): self[k] = v
[docs]class DictAttribute(sheraf.attributes.Attribute): """Attribute mimicking the behavior of :class:`dict`. >>> class Gun(sheraf.InlineModel): ... nb_amno = sheraf.IntegerAttribute() ... >>> class Cowboy(sheraf.Model): ... table = "cowboy" ... name = sheraf.SimpleAttribute() ... guns = sheraf.LargeDictAttribute( ... sheraf.InlineModelAttribute(Gun) ... ) ... >>> with sheraf.connection(commit=True): ... george = Cowboy.create( ... name="George Abitbol", ... guns={ ... "rita": {"nb_amno": 6}, ... "carlotta": {"nb_amno": 5}, ... } ... ) ... ... assert george.guns["rita"].nb_amno == 6 ... for gun in george.guns.values(): ... assert gun.nb_amno >= 5 """ def __init__( self, attribute=None, persistent_type=None, accessor_type=DictAttributeAccessor, **kwargs ): self.attribute = attribute if persistent_type: self.persistent_type = persistent_type self.accessor_type = accessor_type kwargs.setdefault("default", self.persistent_type) super().__init__(**kwargs) def deserialize(self, value): if not self.attribute: return value return self.accessor_type(attribute=self.attribute, persistent=value) def serialize(self, value): if not self.attribute: return self.persistent_type(value or {}) if value is None: return self.persistent_type() return self.persistent_type( {k: self.attribute.serialize(m) for k, m in value.items()} )
[docs] def update( self, old_value, new_value, addition=True, edition=True, deletion=False, replacement=False, ): if addition: for k in new_value.keys() - old_value.keys(): if self.attribute: old_value[k] = self.attribute.serialize(new_value[k]) else: old_value[k] = new_value[k] if edition or replacement: for k in old_value.keys() & new_value.keys(): if self.attribute: old_value[k] = self.attribute.update( old_value[k], new_value[k], addition, edition, deletion, replacement, ) else: old_value[k] = new_value[k] if deletion: for k in old_value.keys() - new_value.keys(): del old_value[k] return old_value
[docs]class LargeDictAttribute(DictAttribute): """Shortcut for ``DictAttribute(persistent_type=LargeDict)``""" persistent_type = LargeDict
[docs]class SmallDictAttribute(DictAttribute): """Shortcut for ``DictAttribute(persistent_type=SmallDict)``""" persistent_type = SmallDict
class SetAttributeAccessor: def __init__(self, attribute, persistent, persistent_type): self._attribute = attribute self.mapping = ( persistent if isinstance(persistent, persistent_type) else persistent_type( { persistent, } ) ) def __repr__(self): return str(set(self)) def add(self, item): self.mapping.add(self._attribute.serialize(item)) def remove(self, item): self.mapping.remove(self._attribute.serialize(item)) def __eq__(self, other): return set(self) == other def __and__(self, item): return set(item) & set(self) def __or__(self, item): return set(item) | set(self) def __xor__(self, item): return set(item) ^ set(self) def __rand__(self, item): return set(item) & set(self) def __ror__(self, item): return set(item) | set(self) def __rxor__(self, item): return set(item) ^ set(self) def __sub__(self, item): return set(self) - set(item) def __rsub__(self, item): return set(item) - set(self) def __iter__(self): return (self._attribute.deserialize(item) for item in self.mapping) def __len__(self): return len(self.mapping) def __contains__(self, item): return item in iter(self) def clear(self): self.mapping.clear()
[docs]class SetAttribute(TypedAttribute): """Attribute mimicking the behavior of :class:`set`. >>> class Cowboy(sheraf.Model): ... table = "cowboy" ... name = sheraf.SimpleAttribute() ... favorite_numbers = sheraf.SetAttribute( ... sheraf.IntegerAttribute() ... ) ... >>> with sheraf.connection(commit=True): ... george = Cowboy.create( ... name="George Abitbol", ... favorite_numbers={1, 8, 13} ... ) ... ... assert 13 in george.favorite_numbers ... george.favorite_numbers.add(8) ... assert {1, 8, 13} == set(george.favorite_numbers) """ persistent_type = Set def __init__( self, attribute=None, persistent_type=None, accessor_type=SetAttributeAccessor, **kwargs ): self.attribute = attribute if persistent_type: self.persistent_type = persistent_type self.accessor_type = accessor_type kwargs.setdefault("default", self.persistent_type) kwargs["read_memoization"] = False kwargs["write_memoization"] = False super().__init__(**kwargs)
[docs] def index_keys(self, set_): """ By default, every items in a :class:`~sheraf.attributes.collections.SetAttribute` is indexed. >>> class Cowboy(sheraf.Model): ... table = "cowboy" ... favorite_colors = sheraf.SetAttribute( ... sheraf.StringAttribute() ... ).index() ... >>> with sheraf.connection(): ... george = Cowboy.create(favorite_colors={ ... "red", "green", "blue", ... }) ... assert george in"red") ... assert george in"blue") ... assert george not in"yellow") .. warning :: A current limitation is that indexed sets won't update their indexes if they are edited through their accessor. For the indexes to be updated, the whole set must be re-assigned. >>> with sheraf.connection(): # doctest: +SKIP ... george.favorite_colors.add("purple") ... george in"purple") False >>> with sheraf.connection(): # doctest: +SKIP ... george.favorite_colors = set(george.favorite_colors) | {"brown"} ... george in"brown") True """ if not self.attribute: return set(set_) return {y for v in set_ for y in self.attribute.index_keys(v)}
[docs] def search_keys(self, value): if not self.attribute: return {value} return {v for v in self.attribute.search_keys(value)}
def deserialize(self, value): if not self.attribute: return value return self.accessor_type( attribute=self.attribute, persistent=value, persistent_type=self.persistent_type, ) def serialize(self, value): if not self.attribute: return self.persistent_type(value or {}) if value is None: return self.persistent_type() return self.persistent_type(self.attribute.serialize(item) for item in value)
[docs] def update( self, old_value, new_value, addition=True, edition=True, deletion=False, replacement=False, ): serialized_old_value = { self.attribute.serialize(item) if self.attribute else item for item in old_value } serialized_new_value = { self.attribute.serialize(item) if self.attribute else item for item in new_value } if addition: to_add = serialized_new_value & ( serialized_new_value ^ serialized_old_value ) if deletion: to_del = serialized_old_value & ( serialized_old_value ^ serialized_new_value ) if addition: for item in to_add: if self.attribute: serialized_old_value.add(self.attribute.serialize(item)) else: serialized_old_value.add(item) if deletion: for item in to_del: if self.attribute: serialized_old_value.remove(self.attribute.serialize(item)) else: serialized_old_value.remove(item) return serialized_old_value